Passo 1 de 21 0% Através deste pequeno teste, você poderá avaliar suas aptidões linguísticas no idioma inglês. Este teste online mede, desde a gramática até a compreensão auditiva, do conteúdo mais geral ao mais específico.Nome e sobrenome* Digite seus dados E-mail* DDD Telefone*Estado* Ingresa tus datos Cidade* Ingresa tus datos ⠀* Li e aceito os termos e condições de uso do site e a Política de Privacidade no final do site. Concordo em receber e-mails e mensagens através do WhatsApp da THINK-e. * Choose the answer to complete the sentence1.____ you like a cup of tea?* Can Do Would Are Choose the answer to complete the sentence2.This computer is ____ better than that one* Lot Much Very Many Choose the answer to complete the sentence3.You should always ___ your desk tidy* Keeping To Keep Kept Keep Listen to the questions from the listening sample and select the best response. Your browser does not support the audio element. 4. Audio Listening* a. I have been in London b. I’m from London c. I’d be in London d. I live in London Listen to the questions from the listening sample and select the best response. Your browser does not support the audio element. 5. Audio Listening* a. Yes, I do b. Yes, I don't c. Yes, I have d. No, I haven't Listen to the questions from the listening sample and select the best response. Your browser does not support the audio element. 6. Audio Listening* a. Yes, I know him b. Yes, I do not him c. No, I haven't got d. Yes, I do Listen to the questions from the listening sample and select the best response. Your browser does not support the audio element. 7. Audio Listening* a. Yes, I know him b. Yes, I do not him c. No, I haven't got d. Yes, I do Report what it is said, choose the best answer. 8. “Why did you go out last night?”* She asked me to go out last night. She requested me why I go out last night She asked me why I had gone out last night. She asked me If I was gone out last night. Report what it is said, choose the best answer. 9."What are you going to do at the weekend?"* She told me what you are going to do at the weekend. She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend. She asked me what I had done at the weekend. She asked me if I was going to do at the weekend. Report what it is said, choose the best answer. 10. "Do you like coffee?"* She asked me if I liked coffee She told me to like coffee She asked me you like coffee She told me If I liked coffee Choose the pair of words that best complete the sentence11. If I _____ an astronaut, I______ work for The Nasa* Was/could Were/must Was/would Were/would Choose the pair of words that best complete the sentence12. I________ sleep _______ being very tired.* Wish to/so Couldn’t/despite Can/tought Must/inspite Complete the sentences selecting the correct words13. I______ the weather channel on TV a lot lately.* has been watching have been watching were looking had watched Complete the sentences selecting the correct words14. The reporters ______ some new words that I’ve never heard before.* are using have been using were used has used Complete the sentences selecting the correct words15. Last week, a reporter_________ a bombogenesis that was dumping snow on the east coast.* asked to be said there was told to be reported to be Complete the sentences selecting the correct words16. Helen started a course at college, but she ______ after six months.* went out fell out turned out dropped out Complete the sentences selecting the correct words17. The football match had to be________because of the weather.* see off called off go off do off Choose the correct sentence18. Choose the best sentence.* Can you tell me when the bank is? Can you say me where the bank? Can you tell to me when the bank is? Can you tell me where the bank is? Choose the correct sentence19. Choose the best sentence.* I can swim when I was 5 years old. I must swim when I was 5 years old. I could swim when I was 5 years old. I swimmed when I was 5 years old. Choose the correct sentence20. Choose the best sentence.* Despite we've known each other a long time, we aren’t particularly close Friends. Inspide we've known each other a long time, we aren’t particularly close Friends. Altough, we've known each other a long time, we aren't particularly close Friends. Since we've known each other a long time, we aren't particularly close Friends.